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> Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

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#1 2024-07-26 19:18:42

Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

**I would like to wish Kamala Harris the best of luck, she’s gonna need it. Remember, I didn’t choose to be here, 241 knocked on my door and it chose me.**


This prosecutorial theory posits that the alleged financial misconduct by Kamala Harris, involving the improper takeover of Joe Biden's campaign funds, constitutes a conspiracy under 18 USC 241 to injure voters' rights. This theory will demonstrate serious interference with the electoral process, compensable injuries under civil liability, and will be supported by extensive case precedents that underscore the application of 18 USC 241 to conspiracies that infringe on constitutional rights, even without overt actions being completed.

Legal Framework

18 USC 241: Conspiracy Against Rights
- Statute: Criminalizes any conspiracy to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution.
- Requirement: No overt action is required; the statute focuses on the agreement and intent to oppress rights.

United States v. Classic (1941)
- Precedent: Established that primary elections are an integral part of the electoral process and that corrupt practices in primaries can infringe on constitutional voting rights.

Haddle v. Garrison (1998)
- Precedent: Concluded that a plaintiff is “injured” under the Enforcement Act of 1871 when the plaintiff suffers “a compensable injury under tort law.” This interpretation applies to 18 USC 241, meaning a conspiracy to injure encompasses conspiracies to engage in conduct recognized as tortious at common law.

Additional Case Precedents:
- Ex Parte Yarbrough, 110 U.S. 651 (1884): Affirmed the federal government's power to protect voting rights in federal elections.
- United States v. Price, 383 U.S. 787 (1966): Recognized that 18 USC 241 applies to private conspiracies that interfere with federally protected rights.
- United States v. Guest, 383 U.S. 745 (1966): Held that private conspiracies to interfere with the right to travel can be prosecuted under 18 USC 241.
- Griffin v. Breckenridge, 403 U.S. 88 (1971): Confirmed that 42 USC 1985(3) can be used to address conspiracies to deprive individuals of equal protection of the laws, reinforcing the interpretation of conspiratorial injury.
- Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky, 138 S. Ct. 1876 (2018): Stated that states may prohibit messages intended to mislead voters about voting requirements and procedures.
- Richardson v. Ramirez, 418 U.S. 24 (1974): Addressed the disenfranchisement of voters and upheld that any action infringing on voting rights must be scrutinized under federal law.
- Anderson v. United States, 417 U.S. 211 (1974): Confirmed that conspiracies to interfere with federal elections, including indirect actions, fall under federal jurisdiction.
- Burson v. Freeman, 504 U.S. 191 (1992): Upheld that states have a compelling interest in preventing voter confusion and preserving the integrity of the electoral process.

Scenario Description

Allegations and Actions

The Trump campaign filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint alleging that Kamala Harris improperly took over Joe Biden's campaign funds. This action involves:
- Misappropriation of Funds: Allegedly transferring campaign funds intended for Biden's campaign to Harris's control.
- Intent to Control: The intent behind this action is to control financial resources to influence the primary and general election outcomes, favoring Harris.


Gonna be lit  snicker


#2 2024-07-26 19:26:52

Re: Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

🇺🇸 Mike Davis  @mrddmia
Biden attempted to bankrupt Trump, throw Trump in prison for life, throw Trump off the ballot, and almost got Trump killed.
When Biden failed, Democrat insiders overturned the will of 14 million Democrat primary voters and ousted Biden in a bloodless coup.
Today's Democrats only care about power.
Biden was the Democrats' useful idiot.
And Biden found out the hard way he's no longer useful.

Trump has Republicans united and strong.
Biden has Democrats divided and in chaos.

The person most responsible for this, besides Biden, is Kamala Harris.
Kamala has been lying to the American people for years.

AlgxTrading  @algxtradingx

Yessir, and this is likely a violation of 18 USC 241 given the DOJ's recent case precedent under 241 where 241 now includes expansive and broad indirect injury.

DOJ rolled back 150+ years of case precedent to go after Donald Trump and his supporters and in so doing that they shot themselves in the foot and now many folks should be charged under the same statute.


#3 2024-07-26 19:29:52

Re: Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

For reference:

18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


#4 2024-07-26 19:41:46

Re: Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

sounds legit!


#5 2024-07-26 19:47:04

Re: Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

Phillip_McCavity wrote:

sounds legit!


DOJ rolled back 150+ years of case precedent to go after Donald Trump and his supporters and in so doing that they shot themselves in the foot and now many folks should be charged under the same statute.

It's more 'legit' than the shyt you treasoncrat vermin pulled, pfhildo.

The harder you assholes get punched in the qunt over your stupidity and corruption, the better off America is. Scumbag. Kill yourself.


#6 2024-07-26 19:52:40

Re: Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

Phillip_McCavity wrote:

sounds legit!

18 USC is very legit, you should go look at what all that chapter covers.


Tom Leykis
#7 2024-07-26 21:23:30

Re: Novel Prosecutorial Theory on Financial Misconduct in Election Campaigns Under 18 USC 241

....or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.



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