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> I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

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#1 2024-07-24 22:03:30

I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

Tell us something that only locals know about the Netherlands....


#2 2024-07-26 17:07:52

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

I am such a worthless failure. I should kill myself today. sad


#3 2024-07-26 17:09:42

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

. wrote:

Tell us something that only locals know about the Netherlands....

Lots of Germans come and hang out on Dutch beaches and the Waddenzee islands during the summer.

If you leave your bike in a city centre or near a major train station, it might be removed by the municipality.


#4 2024-07-26 17:10:56

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

I see dead people.


#5 2024-07-26 17:14:31

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

d2m.nli wrote:

Killing myself is too hard and would upset my family

Not really.


#6 2024-07-26 17:18:28

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

. wrote:

Tell us something that only locals know about the Netherlands....

Ballot papers are enormous (2 or 3 ft wide) and may only be completed in red pencil.

People who drive a lot probably have the Flitsmeister app installed to warn of speed cameras.

A lot of people use Buienradar, though the cool kids seem to prefer BuienAlarm.

On the first Monday of (nearly) every month at noon the nationwide air raid sirens will be tested.


#7 2024-07-26 17:22:09

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.


Not really.

He's in Europe, so no gunzzz everywhere.


Suck it Liberals!
#8 2024-07-26 17:22:36

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

d2m.nli wrote:

Killing myself is too hard and would upset my family



#9 2024-07-26 17:23:22

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

People from Urk (a town that was once an island) were always seen as strange. During Covid they burned down the local vaccination site.

People from Staphorst are rather religious and pretty right-wing. Women might wear head coverings, and they chased out the left-wing anti-Zwart-Piet demonstrators.


#10 2024-08-12 17:09:10

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

Original_Lonely_Guy wrote:

Exercise is good for depression!

Have you found relief over the last few years? I haven't seen you posting this kind of stuff in quite a while.

It was better when I was studying because I had a specific focus and a place to go daily. Before I left I was thinking about suicide daily. During school maybe monthly and less seriously. Now every couple of days.

Job hunting and being at a disadvantage and constantly rejected is majorly discouraging.


#11 2024-08-12 18:40:39

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

I still have hope for you. Many people have a reduction of symptoms as they get older. I hope your older years are full of hope and joy. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and to make sure to get exercise regularly.


#12 2024-08-12 18:43:13

Re: I wish I were dead. I feel so pathetic.

Olg.nli wrote:

I still have hope for you. Many people have a reduction of symptoms as they get older. I hope your older years are full of hope and joy. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and to make sure to get exercise regularly.

I don't exercise. (Well, 50 km yesterday.) I just look at Twatter. sad


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