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> ruh roh, sounds like the NHS in england basically euthanized people with bad covid cases at the peak

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#1 2024-04-26 07:48:36

ruh roh, sounds like the NHS in england basically euthanized people with bad covid cases at the peak


Large Marge
#2 2024-04-26 09:22:58

Re: ruh roh, sounds like the NHS in england basically euthanized people with bad covid cases at the peak

Maybe we could have saved Social Security if we did that to boomers here in the USA too? hmmm


#3 2024-04-26 10:57:21

Re: ruh roh, sounds like the NHS in england basically euthanized people with bad covid cases at the peak

And libfags think we need socialized sungle payer health care in the US.

Nothing dumber than a liberal. They never learn.

This time it will be different!


#4 2024-04-26 11:14:56

Re: ruh roh, sounds like the NHS in england basically euthanized people with bad covid cases at the peak

Triage motherfuqer. Do you speak it?


anon user #3
#5 2024-04-26 11:19:11

Re: ruh roh, sounds like the NHS in england basically euthanized people with bad covid cases at the peak

https://fullfact.org/health/midazolam-v … t-hancock/

A video on YouTube with tens of thousands of views makes several claims about the rise in the use of the drug midazolam during the Covid-19 pandemic, including that a 2020 spike in deaths was caused by “lethal midazolam and morphine injections”.

We can find no evidence to support this. Midazolam is often used to make patients comfortable at the ends of their lives, including those who are dying of Covid-19. A spike in midazolam prescriptions during one of the worst months of the pandemic is therefore not unexpected.

While it is possible that midazolam could have been used incorrectly and caused death in some cases, the evidence we have certainly does not show that the drug was used to kill thousands of people.



anon user #3
#6 2024-04-26 11:19:42

Re: ruh roh, sounds like the NHS in england basically euthanized people with bad covid cases at the peak

AU3 Truth detector rating:  BULLSHYT


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