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> Pootie just blowed up a huge stock of NATO arms and ammo. Big BOOM!

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#1 2024-04-24 23:11:27

Pootie just blowed up a huge stock of NATO arms and ammo. Big BOOM!


#2 2024-04-25 00:00:02

Re: Pootie just blowed up a huge stock of NATO arms and ammo. Big BOOM!


Rapist Donald J Trump
#3 2024-04-25 01:29:19

Re: Pootie just blowed up a huge stock of NATO arms and ammo. Big BOOM!

“just”   lol   Pootie-lovers recycling year old video


#4 2024-04-25 01:42:02

Re: Pootie just blowed up a huge stock of NATO arms and ammo. Big BOOM!

Rapist Donald J Trump wrote:

“just”   lol   Pootie-lovers recycling year old video

Tweet is dated April 24 - the other one looks like an old Ukraine explosion, or Beiruit.   The one today not that big.


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