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> "the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, & perhaps Iran."

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#1 2024-04-22 21:18:28

"the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, & perhaps Iran."


And here we are.   What do you think will come of it?


#2 2024-04-22 21:23:29

Re: "the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, & perhaps Iran."

Now his scumbag daughter is part of the criminally anti-American cabal that is helping to facilitate this.


#3 2024-04-22 21:58:35

Re: "the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, & perhaps Iran."

I think Russia is our biggest foreign policy threat

HURR DURR. The 80's called and want their foreign policy back.


#4 2024-04-23 12:17:25

Re: "the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, & perhaps Iran."

India just tryna lie low and stay out of the way  lol


#5 2024-04-23 12:20:21

Re: "the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, & perhaps Iran."


India just tryna lie low and stay out of the way  lol

India is my pick for the next super power.

They have the resources, the people and the birth rate to do it.  They also seem to be getting their shyt together at a relatively fast pace.


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