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> how to end any debate with a liberal, instantly.

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#1 2024-04-21 17:51:57

how to end any debate with a liberal, instantly.

Simply ask if liberal policies are so great, explain why cities that have been run exclusively by liberals for the past 50 years are in such abysmal condition?


#2 2024-04-21 17:56:27

Re: how to end any debate with a liberal, instantly.

There is no 'debating' these psychos. They are all unhinged and completely disconnected from reality. They are a menace, a plague, and a grave enemy threat. Eradication is the only answer. usa



Tom Leykis
#3 2024-04-21 19:01:40

Re: how to end any debate with a liberal, instantly.

Everything is fine.


#4 2024-04-22 00:20:28

Re: how to end any debate with a liberal, instantly.


Simply ask if liberal policies are so great, explain why cities that have been run exclusively by liberals for the past 50 years are in such abysmal condition?

They still always have a defense.

If it doent involve blaming Trump then its globull warmbing.


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