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> God Punishes The Vain: Teen’s selfie turned disastrous, 75% of her body burned

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#1 2023-05-26 06:56:09

God Punishes The Vain: Teen’s selfie turned disastrous, 75% of her body burned


Tatted skank mother for extra lols.

https://www.freep.com/in-depth/news/hea … 251121007/


anon user #3
#2 2023-05-26 12:25:48

Re: God Punishes The Vain: Teen’s selfie turned disastrous, 75% of her body burned

She was a 13 year old girl.  Don't be an ass.


#3 2023-05-26 13:14:42

Re: God Punishes The Vain: Teen’s selfie turned disastrous, 75% of her body burned

. wrote:

ECZNA, Poland — Karolina Petrenko was with her older brother, Zhenia, and a friend at a cargo train station in Ukraine when she pulled out her cellphone and did what many teenagers do multiple times a day: She took a selfie.

That ordinary act had a disastrous outcome. As a train passed nearby, an electrical current arced to her phone, sending 25,000 volts of electricity through her 13-year-old body.

wtf  25,000 volts to run a train?  Or just leaving 25 kV cables within arcing distance of a passenger on a platform?

Yeah, no.  Something doesn't add up here.  Probably was on a roof or pole (or a very tall Pole).

edit:  A "cargo train station".  I guess her GPS wasn't working and of course no 13-year-old knows how to read a map any more.


#4 2023-05-26 13:17:24

Re: God Punishes The Vain: Teen’s selfie turned disastrous, 75% of her body burned

anon user #3 wrote:

She was a 13 year old girl.  Don't be an ass.

She still is, Professor edjumacation.  snicker


#5 2023-05-26 18:31:04

Re: God Punishes The Vain: Teen’s selfie turned disastrous, 75% of her body burned

anon user #3 wrote:

She was a 13 year old girl.  Don't be an ass.

Are you being agist, sexist or both? Racist too?
Why do you hate white males? Why you you defend teen girls?


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