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> Disney's full of shyt, the Mandolorian is a shyt load of gun violence.

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#1 2023-03-20 23:40:53

Disney's full of shyt, the Mandolorian is a shyt load of gun violence.

Not just battles but gang style executions.

Fuq the mouse!


#2 2023-03-20 23:46:06

Re: Disney's full of shyt, the Mandolorian is a shyt load of gun violence.

But Baby Yoda is in it!


#3 2023-03-21 00:35:39

Re: Disney's full of shyt, the Mandolorian is a shyt load of gun violence.

It's extremely violent.  But it is a different world.  A morally ambiguous world.  Not this world.  N|gs should not watch this and try to apply it to each other.  Then again, maybe they should...  lol


#4 2023-03-21 00:45:46

Re: Disney's full of shyt, the Mandolorian is a shyt load of gun violence.


#5 2023-03-21 01:52:19

Re: Disney's full of shyt, the Mandolorian is a shyt load of gun violence.

There's a lot of this gunslinger stuff, which is what  I noticed.


#6 2023-03-21 02:13:59

Re: Disney's full of shyt, the Mandolorian is a shyt load of gun violence.

Liberals don't care about "gun violence", if they did, you could walk around Chicago at 2AM without issue.


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