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> If the 9/11 terrorists had wanted to do maximum damage to NYC, they would have flown the planes into Indian Point.

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#1 2023-03-21 01:11:59

If the 9/11 terrorists had wanted to do maximum damage to NYC, they would have flown the planes into Indian Point.



#2 2023-03-24 19:37:26

Re: If the 9/11 terrorists had wanted to do maximum damage to NYC, they would have flown the planes into Indian Point.

If they had done THAT, Bush would have gone after the Saudis instead of Iraq and Afghanistan.


#3 2023-03-24 19:50:20

Re: If the 9/11 terrorists had wanted to do maximum damage to NYC, they would have flown the planes into Indian Point.

It's very fortunate that they didn't consider nuke plants - they could have caused significantly more damage to the country if they'd hit three nuke plants instead of some meaningless buildings.


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