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> Look at all the giddy little faggers and vaxholes

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#1 2023-03-18 19:39:30

Look at all the giddy little faggers and vaxholes



anon user #3
#2 2023-03-18 20:43:18

Re: Look at all the giddy little faggers and vaxholes

You are the one who kept asking us over and over "is today the day?"  well..... smile


#3 2023-03-18 20:52:06

Re: Look at all the giddy little faggers and vaxholes

anon user #3 wrote:

You are the one who kept asking us over and over "is today the day?"  well..... smile

And it STILL isn't. You'll see. Stock up on weeping towels. lol


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