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> Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.

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anon user #3
#1 2022-12-01 21:00:33

Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.

>20 million = 4 senate seats
>10 million = 3 senate seats
>5 million = 2 senate seats
<5 million = 1 senate seat

This would be a compromise and would still allow the small states to have some power without them being able to basically veto any real progress.

Also it should not simply go by population but instead actual voters.  This way a state has an incentive to not disenfranchise voters.  The House and Electoral college should also go by actual voters when allocating seats or electoral college votes, respectively.


#2 2022-12-01 21:03:19

Re: Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.



#3 2022-12-01 21:03:19

Re: Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.

Sometimes, the most appropriate "progress" is gridlock.


anon user #3
#4 2022-12-01 21:10:28

Re: Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.


Sometimes, the most appropriate "progress" is gridlock.

The problem is by keeping those sort of things the same the common people suffer while the wealthy prosper and gain even more power.  That is why eventually if it continues like this some sort of major change will be forced.  Democracy is supposed to be responsive enough to the demand for change that it spares us bloodshed.  The big problem is our system of government was designed in another age.  It's not very much unlike modeling our laws after the old testament.  You may think "Great!" if you are a christian but go back and read it.  You would almost certainly have been stoned to death by now if not worse.


#5 2022-12-01 21:10:50

Re: Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.

Instead why not make a law to distribute the population more evenly?


#6 2022-12-01 21:21:30

Re: Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.

Well, the whole reason for the compromise to fix the Senate was to make it harder to end slavery.


#7 2022-12-01 21:54:41

Re: Any state with >20M population should get 4 senate seats.

Or you and your spic boyfriend could go back to either of your shythole countries and then you wouldn't have to be oppressed by whitey.

This country was working well until all you worthless third worlders swam ashore. shrug


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