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> Liberals buying into the shiny objects like stupid canines.

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#1 2022-08-14 00:15:37

Liberals buying into the shiny objects like stupid canines.

Trump Trump Trump
Let's spend money we don't have for our friends.
At least the gas is only $4.50 and not $5.00 now.
No inflation since it didn't go up.

Fuqing idiots.


#2 2022-08-14 00:18:51

Re: Liberals buying into the shiny objects like stupid canines.

Are baggers running out of things to whine about? confused


#3 2022-08-14 00:29:37

Re: Liberals buying into the shiny objects like stupid canines.

They got me this time for sure!


#4 2022-08-14 00:45:43

Re: Liberals buying into the shiny objects like stupid canines.

Bags are just pissed that the 40 year old Medicare drug pork barrel got shut down


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