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> The Wise Latina™ Laments Crumbling ‘Separation Between Church and State’ in Religious Schools Dissent

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#1 2022-06-30 00:52:08

The Wise Latina™ Laments Crumbling ‘Separation Between Church and State’ in Religious Schools Dissent

She's brain damaged  shrug

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/justi … s-dissent/ [Questionable Source (Bagz)]

‘The founders believed in religious freedom, not religious suppression and persecution,’ conservative filmmaker Trevor Loudon responded.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is concerned that the “separation between church and state” is falling apart.

She shared those concerns in her dissent Tuesday in Carson v. Makin, a Supreme Court (SCOTUS) case about a Maine school choice program that prohibited parents from using vouchers to send kids to religious schools.

SCOTUS ruled that the Maine program violated the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution.

“This Court continues to dismantle the wall of separation between church and state that the Framers fought to build,” Justice Sotomayor wrote to open her dissent.

She argued SCOTUS “revolutionized Free Exercise doctrine” in 2017 when it ruled in Trinity Lutheran v. Pauley that a Missouri program that excluded churches from a grant program to get recycled tires for playground materials violated the Constitution.

The Carson and Trinity Lutheran decisions have confirmed Sotomayor’s fear about SCOTUS and religious freedom, she wrote.

“As a result, in just a few years, the Court has upended constitutional doctrine,” she wrote. SCOTUS has “shift[ed] from a rule that permits States to decline to fund religious organizations to one that requires States in many circumstances to subsidize religious indoctrination with taxpayer dollars.”


#2 2022-06-30 01:10:45

Re: The Wise Latina™ Laments Crumbling ‘Separation Between Church and State’ in Religious Schools Dissent


#3 2022-06-30 02:04:08

Re: The Wise Latina™ Laments Crumbling ‘Separation Between Church and State’ in Religious Schools Dissent


She's brain damaged  shrug

"In just a few years, the Court has upended constitutional doctrine,” she wrote.

I wish these alien shytsmears would stop presuming to invoke MY founders and just go home.

Go someplace where they belong, someplace where they fit in.

Why do the monkeys of the world insist on living with the White man?

Why do these monkeys have such an aversion to the idea of living with their own monkey troops?

Why are the monkeys such bigots?


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