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> Breaking!! Fresh form his abortion and gun rulings Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas has the Loving Decision also on his sights!!!. HO LEE FUC!!!

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#1 2022-06-24 18:28:29

Breaking!! Fresh form his abortion and gun rulings Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas has the Loving Decision also on his sights!!!. HO LEE FUC!!!


#2 2022-06-24 18:29:50

Re: Breaking!! Fresh form his abortion and gun rulings Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas has the Loving Decision also on his sights!!!. HO LEE FUC!!!

Guess you and your peter puffing butt buddies will have to get a divorce. snicker


Suck it Liberals!
#3 2022-06-24 18:30:32

Re: Breaking!! Fresh form his abortion and gun rulings Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas has the Loving Decision also on his sights!!!. HO LEE FUC!!!

GroomerAU wrote:

Guess you and your peter puffing butt buddies will have to get a divorce. snicker


#4 2022-06-24 18:35:19

Re: Breaking!! Fresh form his abortion and gun rulings Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas has the Loving Decision also on his sights!!!. HO LEE FUC!!!

He did not mention Loving.  He did specifically call out Griswold (birth control), Lawrence (sodomy), and Obergefell (gay marriage).

And for all you teenage boys posting on CI this afternoon, the sodomy ruling concerned oral/anal sex, and those laws made those acts illegal, regardless of sexual orientation.


#5 2022-06-24 18:54:25

Re: Breaking!! Fresh form his abortion and gun rulings Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas has the Loving Decision also on his sights!!!. HO LEE FUC!!!


He did not mention Loving.  He did specifically call out Griswold (birth control), Lawrence (sodomy), and Obergefell (gay marriage).

And for all you teenage boys posting on CI this afternoon, the sodomy ruling concerned oral/anal sex, and those laws made those acts illegal, regardless of sexual orientation.

Did you hear that Fag Slurpreme?

You better be careful and close your drapes...



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