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> So if democrats aren't responsible for higher crime, higher inflation, illegal abortion, war in europe, millions of covid cases a day... who is?

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#1 2022-06-24 18:25:04

So if democrats aren't responsible for higher crime, higher inflation, illegal abortion, war in europe, millions of covid cases a day... who is?

This is everybody's fault but mine.


#2 2022-06-24 18:27:58

Re: So if democrats aren't responsible for higher crime, higher inflation, illegal abortion, war in europe, millions of covid cases a day... who is?



#3 2022-06-27 11:43:59

Re: So if democrats aren't responsible for higher crime, higher inflation, illegal abortion, war in europe, millions of covid cases a day... who is?

The racist white patriarchal society makes the suppressed people act out.


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