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> Vaxxed coworker - out AGAIN with COVID

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#1 2022-01-26 18:18:43

Vaxxed coworker - out AGAIN with COVID

How is this even possible?

he was one of the first in line to get the vaxx. His reasoning is that he did not want to spread anything to his elderly parents / in-laws etc. OK, fair enough, it was the beginning before the story changed.

Then he got the booster. It knocked him out for a few days but it was over a long weekend, no big deal. About a month ago he had to miss some days / work from home because he tested positive for covid..

he is out again, today because he was exposed again a few days ago and tested positive again.. WTF will this be a never ending loop?

He is healthy and he stated that Covid just slows him down for a few days and needs 1 day of just sleep..


#2 2022-01-26 18:25:44

Re: Vaxxed coworker - out AGAIN with COVID

POZ'D   lol


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