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> The Cream of the Democratic Party, Charles Rangel

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#1 2010-11-17 03:27:42

The Cream of the Democratic Party, Charles Rangel

Is this the best you have to offer, Dhimmicrats? Really?


http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/11/16/ … tml?hpt=T2


#2 2010-11-17 03:28:28

Re: The Cream of the Democratic Party, Charles Rangel

We have Maxine!



#3 2010-11-17 03:32:44

Re: The Cream of the Democratic Party, Charles Rangel

He came from the streets and became a self made multi-millionaire.  Its the American dream!


#4 2010-11-17 03:37:34

Re: The Cream of the Democratic Party, Charles Rangel

Rangel is a classic Democrat & politician.
His moral compass has been gone so long, he actually thinks he didn't do anything wrong.

actually really thinks he didn't do anything wrong.



#5 2010-11-17 03:39:59

Re: The Cream of the Democratic Party, Charles Rangel

It was actually Russ Feingold. sad

Government spending

Feingold is also a well-known advocate for reductions in pork barrel spending and corporate welfare. Citizens Against Government Waste, the Concord Coalition, and Taxpayers for Common Sense ? three nonpartisan organizations dedicated to those causes ? have repeatedly commended him.

Feingold was elected to Congress on a promise not to accept pay raises while in office, and has so far returned over $70,000 in such raises to the U.S. Treasury. In addition, he is notoriously frugal in his office's spending, and sends back the money that he does not use. In one six-month period in 1999, for example, his office received $1.787 million in appropriations and returned $145,000, a higher percentage than any other senator's office. Since becoming a Senator in 1993, Feingold has returned to the U.S. Treasury $3.2 million from his office budget.


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