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> Horses are dangerous. Stay away from them.

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#1 2010-11-17 03:11:40

Horses are dangerous. Stay away from them.



#2 2010-11-17 03:12:26

Re: Horses are dangerous. Stay away from them.

But they taste good.


#3 2010-11-17 03:24:11

Re: Horses are dangerous. Stay away from them.

My friend's wife is a riding instructor. It's a lifelong vocation. One day she was in the stall working around this big male with piggy little eyes and he suddenly for no reason lashed out a big kick at her head and knocked her into a coma for 3 days.

Ugly shyt. They like to bite too.. I know a guy who owns a stable. I've been out there, and even this half grown colt was incredibly aggressive. He told me that it'd been biting him on the arm over and over, trying to assume the dominant role so finally he threw a 2x4 at it and it ran away screaming with rage and frustration.

Fuq that shyt.


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