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> The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.

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#1 2010-10-12 19:39:13

The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.

Poor people should stop having so many kids.


#2 2010-10-12 19:50:10

Re: The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.


Poor people should stop having so many kids.

Its too late now we must kill them.


#3 2010-10-12 19:51:46

Re: The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.


Its too late now we must kill them.

Maybe we could just sterilize them.


#4 2010-10-12 19:52:03

Re: The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.


Poor people should stop having so many kids.

I agree. If you can't feed them, don't breed them. Unfortunately, the ones who keep doing it don't agree. Accepting the fact that the way you feel it should be and the way it actually is will likely never meet, is a huge step toward maturity.


#5 2010-10-12 20:09:42

Re: The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.

Poor people love having kids. It's all they have and they have plenty of time. It's a biological drive and even if offered birth control they would not use it for long.


#6 2010-10-12 20:12:00

Re: The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.


I agree. If you can't feed them, don't breed them. Unfortunately, the ones who keep doing it don't agree. Accepting the fact that the way you feel it should be and the way it actually is will likely never meet, is a huge step toward maturity.

It's madness.

The dirt poor people crank out shytloads of babies, living in filth.

Rich countries are like "Oh my gawd, look at the infant mortality rate, the starving kids, the lack of basic clean water & healthcare"

And we send them billions of dollars in aid, to cut down infant mortality, and give the poor kids better living conditions.

And this encourages the poor people to have even MORE babies that they can't afford, digging everyone into an even deeper hole.


#7 2010-10-12 20:32:02

Re: The solution to global poverty & suffering is to encourage birth control.


It's madness.

The dirt poor people crank out shytloads of babies, living in filth.

Rich countries are like "Oh my gawd, look at the infant mortality rate, the starving kids, the lack of basic clean water & healthcare"

And we send them billions of dollars in aid, to cut down infant mortality, and give the poor kids better living conditions.

And this encourages the poor people to have even MORE babies that they can't afford, digging everyone into an even deeper hole.

Yep, the next strongest drive after hunger is sex. These people will not stop reproducing if we keep feeding them. There is no self control.


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