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> Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law

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#1 2010-10-12 19:30:13

Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law

And Obama let this happen!  Sharron Angle tells it like it is:

"Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under Constitutional law. Not Sharia law. And I don't know how that happened in the United States. It seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with allowing a foreign system of law to even take hold in any municipality or government situation in our United States."


#2 2010-10-12 19:31:44

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law


stupid fuqing teabaggers


#3 2010-10-12 19:37:55

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law



stupid fuqing teabaggers

Why do you hate America?  It's getting so I hardly recognize my country anymore.  sad


#4 2010-10-12 19:41:22

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law


Why do you hate America?  It's getting so I hardly recognize my country anymore.  sad

why are such an idiot?

http://www.detnews.com/article/20101009 … 9s-remarks


#5 2010-10-12 19:41:38

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law


#6 2010-10-12 19:44:17

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law

Who are you going to believe?  Some Islamo-Democrat?


#7 2010-10-12 19:44:38

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law


And Obama let this happen!  Sharron Angle tells it like it is:

Cool. Maybe she'll go there without a headscarf and they'll stone her.

Of course, you have to have a BRAIN to smash, so it might take awhile... lol


#8 2010-10-12 19:52:29

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law


Cool. Maybe she'll go there without a headscarf and they'll stone her.

Of course, you have to have a BRAIN to smash, so it might take awhile... lol

Hateful Liberal shrieks what?

Sharron Angle is smarter than you think.  This message really will resonate with the people of Nevada, who don't want their town to be the next to go Sharia!


#9 2010-10-12 19:53:52

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law

The sad thing is that he even HAS to respond, but this points out the KKKook strategy, in place since the Reagan years but perfected by the Baggers:

1) KKKook politician says some insane lie that plays into Baggers fears about, well anything and everything.

2) Baggers pick up the lie and screech it all over TV, papers and the internet without ONCE checking to see if it's true. As the lie snowballs, Baggers use quotes from EACH OTHER as "proof" of it's veracity - this is why these assholes ONLY post op-eds and not news stories.

The sheer volume of froth makes it SEEM true - or as Colbert would say, it has an element of "truthiness"

3) Saner heads are forced to come out with a statement denying the allegations, but this only serves to put THEM on the defensive, no matter how provable the facts.

4) Once the truth is FINALLY accepted by most people, the damage has been done. The faithful refuse to see it anyway. How many Baggers still thing there are headless bodies in the AZ desert? Hell, how many still think there are WMD?

Rinse and repeat.


#10 2010-10-12 20:06:39

Re: Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas under Sharia law


Hateful Liberal shrieks what?

Sharron Angle is smarter than you think.  This message really will resonate with the people of Nevada, who don't want their town to be the next to go Sharia!

You mean "their town" as in there's only ONE town? lol

Yeah, I don't think Vegas is in any danger of going Muzzie anytime soon. After all, it's where the Arabs come to get booze coke and whores.

Or are you talking about Area 51?

asalam alekem!


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