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> So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?

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#1 2010-10-05 01:43:17

So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?


Worst "Lost meets 24" ripoff ever!


#2 2010-10-05 01:44:16

Re: So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?

It's about ALIENS alien



#3 2010-10-05 01:46:34

Re: So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?

Im surprised it made it 3 weeks lol


#4 2010-10-05 01:52:27

Re: So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?

Fuq "The Event." Bring back "Matlock"!


#5 2010-10-05 01:55:18

Re: So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?

Heekee wrote:

Im surprised it made it 3 weeks lol

Wait - isn't this that SAME POS story about that alien thing that crashes in the Florida everglades that they started like 5 years ago and took forever to get to the first clue?

Or is it a different waste of time? lol


#6 2010-10-05 02:02:11

Re: So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?


Wait - isn't this that SAME POS story about that alien thing that crashes in the Florida everglades that they started like 5 years ago and took forever to get to the first clue?

Or is it a different waste of time? lol

That was "Invasion".


#7 2010-10-05 02:07:30

Re: So, when does NBC cancel "The Event"?

WTF?  All of the dead passengers just woke up!



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