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> Breaking: Christine O'Donnell is Bozo The Clown's love child

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#1 2010-10-05 01:59:24

Breaking: Christine O'Donnell is Bozo The Clown's love child

Since Christine O?Donnell?s upset victory  in the Delaware Republican Senate primary last month, the out-of-nowhere Tea Party sensation has been dogged by charges that she inflated her resume, exaggerated her educational record and had said some things over the years, that her detractors found, shall we say, clownish.

The latest suspicion of inflated credentials, which arose over the weekend, involved Ms. O?Donnell?s father, Daniel O?Donnell, a long-ago local television personality in the Philadelphia area whose main claim to fame, according to the O?Donnell family, was that he used to play Bozo the Clown.

The Bozo bombshell was first reported by The News Journal of Wilmington in November 2006, during one of Ms. O?Donnell?s previous Senate campaigns. The detail was included in a profile of Ms. O?Donnell that I wrote for Saturday?s Times. Ms. O?Donnell?s older brother, Daniel, confirmed in a phone call that indeed his father had played Bozo.

http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010 … =thecaucus


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