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> Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".

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#1 2010-09-22 04:34:20

Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".


Bush/2 was worse...lol

Hell Bush 2 CAUSED all this. Where was this frothing and outrage then?

I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to GWB as a "CRACKER"!!!



#2 2010-09-22 04:36:06

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".


Unlike you, I actually read the New York Times article you linked.  Woodward says that there is infighting at the White House.  Whoopee shyt.  There's been infighting at the White House in every single one of Woodward's books covering five previous administrations, including Bush 2 ("Plan of Attack"), Clinton ("The Agenda"), Bush I ("The Commanders"), Reagan ("Veil"), and, of course, Nixon ("The Final Days"). 

Woodward never said that Obama is "incompetent".  Sometimes Otis you can be as stupid as Otis Fudpucker the Injun.  And that's pretty fuqing stupid.

lol  No shyt.  Anywhere you have power you are going to have people fighting over it.  It's just the nature of the game.  The White House is probably the most powerful place on earth.  The real surprise is if you DIDN'T find infighting and back-stabbing.

The only place where you'll find total peace and quiet, Otis, is in your mom's basement, as you calmly masturbate to gay porn, you nasty little bottom you.


#3 2010-09-22 04:36:14

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".

DrifterBee wrote:

You can't come up with a better description of his complete and utter failure than to just be a racist?

This guy has effectively BKd America, destroyed what standing we had left in the world, gave unions the holdings of private bondholders, and has failed to get us out of any wars while at the same time there is a war on our own border..


Gary North says his economics professor told him America was bankrupt thanks to Social Security in 1959. So really, it was bankrupt by 1938, it's just no one realized it.


#4 2010-09-22 04:39:00

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".


#5 2010-09-22 04:49:37

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".

Otis Fudfuqer wrote:

What a monumental disaster.

Thanks libs!

We did that on purpose.  As a joke.


#6 2010-09-22 05:07:56

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".

We knew you were racist anyway.


#7 2010-09-22 13:51:03

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".

Well Otis?  Are you keeping to your promise?  When you talk to your friends and family and co-workers, do you use the term, "Our whyte President"?  I'm sure it brings you a lot of love!


#8 2010-09-22 13:52:57

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".

jes_gimme_some_truth wrote:

3) complete and total lie.
0bama has added 3 trillion to the national debt in 18 months. The highest deficit Bush ever ran was about 500 Billion  - unless you plan to call the CBO liars.

Fatfuq has decided tag Nancy Polesi's House of Representatives was under the mind control of BOOOOOOOOOOOSH.


#9 2010-09-22 13:53:59

Re: Ok, that's it. I have avoided it until today but for now on I will refer to Obama as a "whyte".

Otis Fudfuqer wrote:

What a monumental disaster.

Thanks libs!

yoda Well played my son, well played! thumbup


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