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> Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents

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#1 2010-09-10 18:13:38

Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents

He has killed the Progressive-Socialist-Communist movements for generations to come.


#2 2010-09-10 18:15:27

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents



#3 2010-09-10 18:21:05

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents



he may go down in history as the first black president to resign before his first term is up or the first black president to get impeached


#4 2010-09-10 18:30:34

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents


he may go down in history as the first black president to resign before his first term is up or the first black president to get impeached



#5 2010-09-10 18:33:59

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents


he may go down in history as the first black president to resign before his first term is up or the first black president to get impeached

one things for sure he's going down.


#6 2010-09-10 18:34:00

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents

. wrote:

He has killed the Progressive-Socialist-Communist movements for generations to come.

so you are saying that america can be even more right wing and fascist?  You do realize that america already is one of the most fascist countries in the entire world?


#7 2010-09-10 18:37:24

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents



Post regged, Leslie...


#8 2010-09-10 18:37:30

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents


so you are saying that america can be even more right wing and fascist?  You do realize that america already is one of the most fascist countries in the entire world?

And thats a bad thing?  Americans are the richest in the world, there is no such thing as poverty in America, along with very low living cost. So I don't get your point explain.


#9 2010-09-10 18:44:18

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents


And thats a bad thing?  Americans are the richest in the world, there is no such thing as poverty in America, along with very low living cost. So I don't get your point explain.

"no poverty"  "richest in the world"

I see, so you are a believer that

ignorance is strength


#10 2010-09-10 18:48:38

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents


so you are saying that america can be even more right wing and fascist?  You do realize that america already is one of the most fascist countries in the entire world?

By Fascist are you talking about Obamas snitch website? or the govt wannting all your medical records, or the govt forcing you to buy things you don't want to buy ( health insurance ) or are you talking about liberals wanting to knock conservative talk radio off the air. or you do know all credit card transactions are now reported to the government, they probably snuck that one past you.


#11 2010-09-10 18:51:54

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents


so you are saying that america can be even more right wing and fascist?  You do realize that america already is one of the most fascist countries in the entire world?

I don't think you know what fascism means, libbie.  Calling for government investigations on people who have an unapproved opinion would be fascist.

Pelosi added that she joins "those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded."


#12 2010-09-10 19:01:28

Re: Why Obama will go down in History as one of our greatest Presidents

Obama will go down in History as our most uppity President for sure.


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