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> Congressman calls Nancy Pelosi "a qunt" on house floor. Obama administration in shock.

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Otis Fudfuqer
#1 2010-08-25 17:18:13

Congressman calls Nancy Pelosi "a qunt" on house floor. Obama administration in shock.

Coming next January!


#2 2010-08-25 17:27:21

Re: Congressman calls Nancy Pelosi "a qunt" on house floor. Obama administration in shock.

Calling a women in Qunt in public will be you arrested!


#3 2010-08-25 17:41:43

Re: Congressman calls Nancy Pelosi "a qunt" on house floor. Obama administration in shock.


Calling a women in Qunt in public will be you arrested!

except if it's Palin
lib lib


#4 2010-08-25 17:48:18

Re: Congressman calls Nancy Pelosi "a qunt" on house floor. Obama administration in shock.



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