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> The Silence of the Kittens

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#1 2010-08-16 16:07:16

The Silence of the Kittens

Some lawyer dude bought up a bunch of near defunct online publishers and spends his days googling for content abuse.

Since that JERK lawyer started forcing message boards to honor copyright have you noticed a certain silence here?


#2 2010-08-16 16:08:43

Re: The Silence of the Kittens

you mean the guy in Las Vegas.......


#3 2010-08-16 16:15:08

Re: The Silence of the Kittens

. wrote:

Some lawyer dude bought up a bunch of near defunct online publishers and spends his days googling for content abuse.

Since that JERK lawyer started forcing message boards to honor copyright have you noticed a certain silence here?

Nope, that was fambly enforced...although I had mentioned to her that she needed to just post a snippet and a link under fair use guidelines in the past. 

She's also busy right now with fambly obligations.


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