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> Coran, do Heeks and Leo ever puke on your stuff?

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#1 2010-08-16 15:43:55

Coran, do Heeks and Leo ever puke on your stuff?

Or piss on your clothes or bed to get back at you for something? 

Cats can be evil shudder


#2 2010-08-16 15:46:21

Re: Coran, do Heeks and Leo ever puke on your stuff?

. wrote:

Or piss on your clothes or bed to get back at you for something? 

Cats can be evil shudder

Leo pukes sometimes, but not deliberately.. on the carpets.

My cats aren't evil. When heekee was a baby he poomped on my bed once.


#3 2010-08-16 15:48:19

Re: Coran, do Heeks and Leo ever puke on your stuff?



#4 2010-08-16 16:10:10

Re: Coran, do Heeks and Leo ever puke on your stuff?

I'm too germ phobic to own cats.  I'd think about all the hair, piss, shyt, and puke being left on my bed, furniture, clothes, counters shudder  Plus the disgusting litter boxes.


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