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> Social Conservative Bryan Fischer: Paterson Wants To Impose Sharia Law On New York

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#1 2010-08-15 09:10:44

Social Conservative Bryan Fischer: Paterson Wants To Impose Sharia Law On New York

Bryan Fischer, the "Director of Issues Analysis" for the American Family Association who said there should be "no more mosques, period," now believes that Gov. David Paterson is attempting to impose sharia law on New York.

Paterson had offered to help the Cordoba House developers get state land for their proposed Muslim community center that's become known as the "Ground Zero mosque." Fischer wrote in a blog post today that Paterson "quite deliberately offered to grant Islam a favored status under New York public policy that is denied to Christian churches."

As we've reported, Fischer is a big gun in the social conservative movement, and is scheduled to speak at the Values Voter Summit in September, alongside mainstream Republicans like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, and Tim Pawlenty. The event is also co-sponsored by the AFA.

Yesterday, Fischer told TPM that mosques are not subject to first amendment protections since "you cannot claim first amendment protections if your religious organization is engaged in subversive activities" and "every single mosque is a potential terror training center or recruitment center for jihad."

This latest post, on the AFA's blog, is called "Shariah law in the U.S.: Gov. Paterson offers to make Islam the state-sponsored religion of New York." It argues that Paterson's offer

    normally would provoke howls of outrage from our hypersensitive friends on the left, who see grotesque breaches of the wall of separation between church and state even where the wall of their fevered imaginations doesn't exist.

However, since the left has been silent in this regard, it is because "most likely, secular fundamentalists are easy on Islam for the simple reason that they share with Islamic fundamentalists a deep and abiding hatred for America and its traditions and values."

Fischer also mentions Paterson's "mumbo-jumbo about a competitive bidding process" that was "was obviously just for show."

http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.c … hp?ref=fpb


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