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> Thinking of converting an old console stereo into a modern player.

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#1 2010-08-15 07:45:11

Thinking of converting an old console stereo into a modern player.

One of those big wooden ones.


#2 2010-08-15 07:54:33

Re: Thinking of converting an old console stereo into a modern player.

Have you optimized your SEO leveraging for all the synchronous paradigms? Monster cables?


#3 2010-08-15 07:59:40

Re: Thinking of converting an old console stereo into a modern player.


One of those big wooden ones.

Converting it how?

Usually the receiver/power amp will slide out (They are usually all tube as well). Add some decent speakers and a CD player to the AUX IN (you might have to pad the input) and you're good to go. The turntables in those things are usually crap, so I'd get a decent LP player and hook it to the phono input.

You COULD also go the other way - build a CD player into the console, and install some decent speakers - but that's a lot more work. I'd build baffled enclosures for the speakers (as opposed to ussing the console itself as a speaker cabinet) if I was going that direction.


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