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> Clittz, you should really start acting your age. Spamming others' posts??? Seriously???

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#1 2010-11-17 03:14:24

Clittz, you should really start acting your age. Spamming others' posts??? Seriously???



#2 2010-11-17 03:16:30

Re: Clittz, you should really start acting your age. Spamming others' posts??? Seriously???


#3 2010-11-17 03:25:08

Re: Clittz, you should really start acting your age. Spamming others' posts??? Seriously???

I didn't know that Clittz and Katherine hung out together!


#4 2010-11-17 03:28:14

Re: Clittz, you should really start acting your age. Spamming others' posts??? Seriously???


I didn't know that Clittz and Katherine hung out together!

Just another voice in her head.


#5 2010-11-17 03:28:47

Re: Clittz, you should really start acting your age. Spamming others' posts??? Seriously???

Yeah, not like Katherine every spammed CI.

Oh. Wait.


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