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> Say you caught Katalyst fellating a hobo in an ally. You have a baseball bat. Do you risk severing hobo cock and hit a homerun?

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#1 2010-11-15 03:40:35

Say you caught Katalyst fellating a hobo in an ally. You have a baseball bat. Do you risk severing hobo cock and hit a homerun?



#2 2010-11-15 03:42:26

Re: Say you caught Katalyst fellating a hobo in an ally. You have a baseball bat. Do you risk severing hobo cock and hit a homerun?


I have no desire to harm Katalyst.  That being said, if I did, what do I owe that hobo?  I don't know him from Adam.  Collateral damage.


#3 2010-11-15 04:16:38

Re: Say you caught Katalyst fellating a hobo in an ally. You have a baseball bat. Do you risk severing hobo cock and hit a homerun?

That actually happened yesterday afternoon.

Tempting though it was, I've always believed that love between the ugly is the most beautiful love of all.

So I rested the bat on my shoulder, and walked away.


#4 2010-11-15 04:56:51

Re: Say you caught Katalyst fellating a hobo in an ally. You have a baseball bat. Do you risk severing hobo cock and hit a homerun?

Take your shot son!


#5 2010-11-15 04:58:33

Re: Say you caught Katalyst fellating a hobo in an ally. You have a baseball bat. Do you risk severing hobo cock and hit a homerun?

. wrote:

That actually happened yesterday afternoon.

Tempting though it was, I've always believed that love between the ugly is the most beautiful love of all.

So I rested the bat on my shoulder, and walked away.

You're a fag, right?



#6 2010-11-15 05:05:12

Re: Say you caught Katalyst fellating a hobo in an ally. You have a baseball bat. Do you risk severing hobo cock and hit a homerun?

All I know is that I'm deeply perturbed by that big smeary red lipstick mark on the edge of that glass. shudder

What kind of mouth makes a mark like that?





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