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> So Obama and his evil minions conspire to deny military men and women their votes in IL and NY.

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#1 2010-10-14 00:21:00

So Obama and his evil minions conspire to deny military men and women their votes in IL and NY.


#2 2010-10-14 00:38:35

Re: So Obama and his evil minions conspire to deny military men and women their votes in IL and NY.

yep. Most military people are republican so it's no surprise.
I can't wait to see what would happen in a tie race.
Would the pundits piously pronounce that "all votes must be counted", like they did when Franken stole the election in Minnesota.
If it were Rainbow Push members or Code Pink scum, a military jet would be dispatched immediately with the ballots, to make sure that no one was disenfranchised.


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