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> From young to middle age get diferent respones

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#1 2010-10-12 17:29:10

From young to middle age get diferent respones

Ever since I moved out on my own I have always been greeted by those fund raising cheer leaders who raise money for whatever cause and I gladly donate my time and money so they wash my car.

Always had nice smiles and demeanor and joyful fun acting around me as they wash my car for money and this included the schools cheer leader captain.

But now that I am middle age all that went down the tubes and I get nasty looks and stares when I approach them with money and so forth.

Typical car wash donations I have given would be $20 per female that washes my car and $60 more if the captain of the cheer leading squad joins in.

But even that much money they still give me nasty looks.

I'm about to one day just drive by and say ___FUQ YOU BITCHES BURN IN HELL


#2 2010-10-12 20:22:25

Re: From young to middle age get diferent respones

ewwwwwww creeper!


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