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> I don't get this whole foreclosure brouhaha. Shouldn't these deadbeats be foreclosed on anyway?

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#1 2010-10-12 15:37:51

I don't get this whole foreclosure brouhaha. Shouldn't these deadbeats be foreclosed on anyway?

Seems like they are just getting off on a technicality.


#2 2010-10-12 18:46:46

Re: I don't get this whole foreclosure brouhaha. Shouldn't these deadbeats be foreclosed on anyway?

The government knows full well that the banks too on too much risk, and in a sane unwinding, the liquidation would make the banking system itself insolvent.  Hence, we have the current "brouhaha", which is just the government lying to you on an hourly basis so that you won't do the sensible thing and corral your own horses.


#3 2010-10-12 18:48:53

Re: I don't get this whole foreclosure brouhaha. Shouldn't these deadbeats be foreclosed on anyway?


Seems like they are just getting off on a technicality.

It's kind of a grey area.


#4 2010-10-12 18:53:54

Re: I don't get this whole foreclosure brouhaha. Shouldn't these deadbeats be foreclosed on anyway?


Seems like they are just getting off on a technicality.

Don't know how many of them are going to get away with anything.

The banks have to document the loans. Probably will be done for almost all of them eventually.

Nobody's getting a free house.


#5 2010-10-12 18:58:53

Re: I don't get this whole foreclosure brouhaha. Shouldn't these deadbeats be foreclosed on anyway?


Seems like they are just getting off on a technicality.

First sane response wave

Basically, you have a couple things in play here.

First is that Americans have have property rights. That means that the bank has to go through a certain procedure to foreclose on your house and evict you, even though they are they title holder.

When you look at some of the frightening property nightmares that happen in other countries, you can see why this is a good thing.

But beyond that, the lender has mortgage insurance. If you stop paying, it's more profitable to them to just let the house sit there for a year or more until the insurance runs out, THEN resell it. This is why people frequently get to stay in foreclosed homes.

Second, there is a debt collection process that must be followed. If a collector can't prove that you owe them the money, they can't collect it. And in cases where your mortgage has been sold and bundled many times over until you're just a number in thousands, it can be impossible.

Third, I have no sympathy for dumbasses who believed they could get a $500K house on a $20K salary for no money down no doc ARM.

However, a lot of people who were trying to honestly live within their means were sold loans that they THOUGHT were what they needed, only to find out later that they had been duped.

I bought a home just before the boom, and already they were trying to offer interest only loans and all that bullshyt, Plying us with thousands in upgrades if we took anything but a straight loan. We refused. It's very easy to get confused when you're dealing with such a huge purchase, and the lenders refusal to modify has only made it worse.



#6 2010-10-12 20:10:40

Re: I don't get this whole foreclosure brouhaha. Shouldn't these deadbeats be foreclosed on anyway?

This is one situation where the government should step in and sortof guarantee the provenance of the end mortgages, allowing foreclosures to proceed as if the mortgages were legally valid. Sort out the paperwork and technicalities later, which should result in penalties and jail time for a lot of bankers and real estate people, but throw the non payers out now and stabilize the housing market even if it falls off a cliff.


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