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> When I saw a dot post 'Fap and Chuck' the other day it really got me thinking. And it changed my life.

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#1 2010-10-02 00:12:42

When I saw a dot post 'Fap and Chuck' the other day it really got me thinking. And it changed my life.

I, like many here, have many notches on my sock drawer.  But I think it's time to settle down.  I'm old enough that I can stay faithful.  So I am happy to say that today I made it official.  I have entered into a fap-marriage with Rebecca Lord.  Henceforth I shall only nut up to her pr0n.


#2 2010-10-02 00:15:42

Re: When I saw a dot post 'Fap and Chuck' the other day it really got me thinking. And it changed my life.

Personal preferences are irrelevant, as long as you FAP AND WIN.


#3 2010-10-02 00:33:35

Re: When I saw a dot post 'Fap and Chuck' the other day it really got me thinking. And it changed my life.

I've picked Bailey Jay.


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