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> ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

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#1 2010-10-01 20:18:26

ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

I love the exchange of goods and services for money.


#2 2010-10-01 20:19:15

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

the rich get richer, while the poor stays poor.


#3 2010-10-01 20:19:46

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

AustinGirl fuqs for money


#4 2010-10-01 20:20:18

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

AustinGirl wrote:

I love the exchange of goods and services for money.

It made every American rich when compared to the rest of the world. and no such thing as poverty in American anymore.


#5 2010-10-01 20:21:01

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

Because I'm smart & rich.

Therefore, I like capitalism.

If I were stupid & poor, I don't think I'd like capitalism.


#6 2010-10-01 20:23:51

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

AustinGirl wrote:

I love the exchange of goods and services for money.

That is not capitalism you stupid hunk of shyt.


#7 2010-10-01 20:23:57

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!


Because I'm smart & rich.

Therefore, I like capitalism.

If I were stupid & poor, I don't think I'd like capitalism.

Oh Oh Oh...... this.


#8 2010-10-01 20:25:37

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!


That is not capitalism you stupid hunk of shyt.

Yes. In the most simple form it is. It is commerce.



#9 2010-10-01 20:31:41

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

AustinGirl wrote:

Oh Oh Oh...... this.

Ther's lots of Stupid Americans but can you name a poor one? Don't exist.


#10 2010-10-01 20:45:17

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!


Ther's lots of Stupid Americans but can you name a poor one? Don't exist.

Like Souteast Asia poor? Or Africa poor - no!

But, feeling poor because they do not have the government paying for their cellular phone, healthcare and cable tv-- yes.


#11 2010-10-01 20:49:58

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

AustinGirl wrote:

Like Souteast Asia poor? Or Africa poor - no!

But, feeling poor because they do not have the government paying for their cellular phone, healthcare and cable tv-- yes.

But the govt does pay for those things.


#12 2010-10-01 20:53:07

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

Capitalism is that money can buy anything.

So, AustinGirl.  What is your rate for a hand job?  an oral?


#13 2010-10-01 20:56:34

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

AustinGirl wrote:

Yes. In the most simple form it is. It is commerce.


Commerce existed in feudal economies (see, Hansa League, Islamic Near Eastern and Asian Trade, the Silk Road, Chinese trade in the Far East, etc.) - commerce is not exclusive to capitalism - State Economies of the 20th Century (USSR, Eastern Bloc, etc.), exchanged money for goods and services. 

You vapid qunt.


#14 2010-10-01 23:01:37

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

Capitalism in its current incarnation is on its last legs.


#15 2010-10-01 23:05:18

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

Because I make really good money and I like to buy things that entertain me... things like Thai hookers.  Okay, just kidding about the hookers part, but the rest is true!  smile


#16 2010-10-01 23:10:45

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

I like how Capitalist Americans make less money than they did 10 years ago and the Communist Chinese make more


#17 2010-10-01 23:50:04

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

I loved capitalism ... before the capitalists ruined it.


#18 2010-10-01 23:57:09

Re: ITT we talk about why we love capitalism!

hippie wrote:

I like how Capitalist Americans make less money than they did 10 years ago and the Communist Chinese make more

Walmart did that.


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