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> Reid Ad: Angle Wants To Privatize The V.A., 'End Our Promise To Veterans'

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#1 2010-09-22 12:51:47

Reid Ad: Angle Wants To Privatize The V.A., 'End Our Promise To Veterans'

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has a new ad against his Republican opponent Sharron Angle. The ad departs from other Reid ads that hammered Angle as "extreme" for wanting to privatize Social Security and Medicare -- now they've upped the ante, and are attacking her for wanting to privatize the Department of Veterans Affairs!

"From World War II to Iraq and Afghanistan, the V.A. has meant guaranteed care for those who serve," the announcer says. "But now, in another extreme proposal, Sharron Angle says privatize it -- end the V.A. as we know it.

"When she was asked whether veterans' benefits like prescriptions and doctor visits would be covered if she had her way,," the announcer said, followed by audio of Angle on talk radio this past May: "No, not if you're working toward a privatized system."

http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010 … -video.php



#2 2010-09-22 12:54:30

Re: Reid Ad: Angle Wants To Privatize The V.A., 'End Our Promise To Veterans'

Lies is all the democrats have left.  How sad.

Why doesn't Reid campaign on his achievements over the past 2 years.  Like healthcare reform, like buying GM, like fighting for tax hikes, like offering amnesty to illegals?


#3 2010-09-22 14:24:58

Re: Reid Ad: Angle Wants To Privatize The V.A., 'End Our Promise To Veterans'


Why doesn't Reid campaign on his achievements over the past 2 years.  Like healthcare reform, like buying GM, like fighting for tax hikes, like offering amnesty to illegals?

You'll have to re-elect me to find out what I've done.


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