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> Paging emoticontards: Please to create a :fapandwin: emotiocon for teh CI betas

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#1 2010-09-16 13:01:13

Paging emoticontards: Please to create a :fapandwin: emotiocon for teh CI betas

I will make no beta posts for one day if one is acceptable to teh betas.


#2 2010-09-16 14:10:36

Re: Paging emoticontards: Please to create a :fapandwin: emotiocon for teh CI betas

There are only 4 returns on this, but they are of an amazing range of pictures:

http://www.google.com/images?hl=en& … amp;tab=wi


#3 2010-09-16 14:12:35

Re: Paging emoticontards: Please to create a :fapandwin: emotiocon for teh CI betas

Can you get us the :gong: emote too?


#4 2010-09-16 14:12:38

Re: Paging emoticontards: Please to create a :fapandwin: emotiocon for teh CI betas

ImperialExecutive wrote:

There are only 4 returns on this, but they are of an amazing range of pictures:

http://www.google.com/images?hl=en& … amp;tab=wi

I saw a really hawt chick on the metro this AM who was married, and i thought how lucky her husband must be, but then I thought about CI and then realize she must be TFB galore and he goes through hell. so fap and win!


#5 2010-09-16 14:21:57

Re: Paging emoticontards: Please to create a :fapandwin: emotiocon for teh CI betas


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