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> Video: Florida Condos Selling for the Price of a Car!

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#1 2010-08-25 17:14:49

Video: Florida Condos Selling for the Price of a Car!


Otis Fudfuqer
#2 2010-08-25 17:42:12

Re: Video: Florida Condos Selling for the Price of a Car!

Problem is some of the homeowners association fees are to the moon and back.

It's insurance.

I know of a small vacation condo at Gulf Shores that's a studio.  Right on the beach and nice for summer vacations but my insurance runs $6,000/year and add to that the homeowners association fee and it gets pricey at over $1,000 per month and that's without a mortgage.

$150/month mortgage with $1,000/mo insurance and homeowners association fees isn't a great deal.


#3 2010-08-25 17:58:40

Re: Video: Florida Condos Selling for the Price of a Car!

Otis Fudfuqer wrote:

Problem is some of the homeowners association fees are to the moon and back.

It's insurance.

I know of a small vacation condo at Gulf Shores that's a studio.  Right on the beach and nice for summer vacations but my insurance runs $6,000/year and add to that the homeowners association fee and it gets pricey at over $1,000 per month and that's without a mortgage.

$150/month mortgage with $1,000/mo insurance and homeowners association fees isn't a great deal.

Insurance is only going up in Florida coastal rates have been kept low by a government scam (People's Insurance) which is completely underfunded.


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