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> So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

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#1 2010-08-16 18:13:37

So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

You know, the people wanting to build a place of worship in lower Manhatten are mostly American citizens. Aren't you going a bit over the line here demanding that certain Americans should have less rights than others?


#2 2010-08-16 18:16:37

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

69% of the people of that area oppose the Cordoba initiative. In a democracy majority makes the decisions. Not minorities.


#3 2010-08-16 18:17:37

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

#1 - It's fewer rights than others, not less.

#2 - The towers were toppled by Muslim extremists. It's inappropriate to place a mosque there, that's like invading a country and flying a foreign flag on their capitol.


#4 2010-08-16 18:17:44

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Zathrus wrote:

You know, the people wanting to build a place of worship in lower Manhatten are mostly American citizens. Aren't you going a bit over the line here demanding that certain Americans should have less rights than others?

So how come its liberals who keep brinning it up?  But how come you don't like getting your ball licked I would be more interested in why people don't like teabagging?


#5 2010-08-16 18:18:59

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

69% of the people of that area oppose the Cordoba initiative. In a democracy majority makes the decisions. Not minorities.


80% of people in Alabama want it


#6 2010-08-16 18:20:45

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?



80% of people in Alabama want it

I'm moving to Alabama


#7 2010-08-16 18:21:20

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?



80% of people in Alabama want it

Since we have given power to aggressive minorities and special interest groups, many people have forgotten about the meaning of the word 'democracy'.

Vote is all about counting how many people are for an initiative, and how many oppose it. The side with more votes wins.

This is not very difficult concept, but it is understandable certain minorities love the power we gave themb.

We take said power back now.


#8 2010-08-16 18:22:07

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

69% of the people of that area oppose the Cordoba initiative. In a democracy majority makes the decisions. Not minorities.

Uhhh, the majority do not dictate what others do with private property unless you are advocating socialism asshat.


#9 2010-08-16 18:23:14

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?


Uhhh, the majority do not dictate what others do with private property unless you are advocating socialism asshat.

The constitution does protect freedom of religion AND gives minorities protection against the majority.  You cannot say you support the constitution while telling others to fuq off.  Whatever, you cannot argue with tards who don't want to be honest in a debate.


#10 2010-08-16 18:25:06

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

Since we have given power to aggressive minorities and special interest groups, many people have forgotten about the meaning of the word 'democracy'.

Vote is all about counting how many people are for an initiative, and how many oppose it. The side with more votes wins.

This is not very difficult concept, but it is understandable certain minorities love the power we gave themb.

We take said power back now.

So we negate the written law in favor of the latest fear or trend in xenophobia?

this sounds rational.


#11 2010-08-16 18:25:14

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?


Uhhh, the majority do not dictate what others do with private property unless you are advocating socialism asshat.

Majority has chosen not to allow crack houses either, even on private property.


#12 2010-08-16 18:26:09

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?


So we negate the written law in favor of the latest fear or trend in xenophobia?

this sounds rational.

Restore democracy. Empower people. Stop appeasing special interest groups with shady agendas.


#13 2010-08-16 18:26:10

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?


#1 - It's fewer rights than others, not less.

#2 - The towers were toppled by Muslim extremists. It's inappropriate to place a mosque there, that's like invading a country and flying a foreign flag on their capitol.

NO foreign flag is flying on the mosques. 

It's going to be a CULTURAL FUQING CENTER open to all peoples. 

What cracks me up is that Osama is a scumbag yet you asshats forget that the majority of muslims did NOT attack us.  Did people forget that after 9/11 a lot of people had candlelight vigils in Iran of all fuqing places?  IRAN????

I dunno.  If the muslims of the world wanted a war we'd be fuqed since there are BILLIONS of them.  The people who attacked us do not represent all muslims just like those who kill doctors do not represent all christians.  Israel does not rep all jews.

I could go on but it's pointless to argue with closed minded bigots.


#14 2010-08-16 18:26:35

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

Majority has chosen not to allow crack houses either, even on private property.

Bad analogy dipshyt.  Good bye.


#15 2010-08-16 18:26:39

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Opposing a monument to islamic extremism is "going after american citizens"?

Only in the bizzaro-world of the Liberal mind can this be true. You idiots are literally out of your minds.


#16 2010-08-16 18:26:42

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

You stupid fuqs.

No one is disputing their "right" to build a mosque in lower Manhattan.

Those opposed find it offensive given the destruction wrought there in the name of Islam.


#17 2010-08-16 18:27:04

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

Restore democracy. Empower people. Stop appeasing special interest groups with shady agendas.

We have that.  You want to enslave others I guess.


#18 2010-08-16 18:28:46

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?


Bad analogy dipshyt.  Good bye.

Ran out of arguments, idiot? Hey a-hole, we the majority do not cater for your hedonism, no matter how private that would be. lol


#19 2010-08-16 18:30:09

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?


We have that.  You want to enslave others I guess.

69% oppose the Cordoba initiative. What part is unclear and needs clarification? I realize in your one track mind YOU are allowed to do what you want regardless of opinions of majority, but this is real world.


#20 2010-08-16 18:32:29

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

69% of the people of that area oppose the Cordoba initiative. In a democracy majority makes the decisions. Not minorities.

Really now? So a simple majority vote can take aways the rights of a disliked minority?


#21 2010-08-16 18:35:06

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

69% oppose the Cordoba initiative. What part is unclear and needs clarification? I realize in your one track mind YOU are allowed to do what you want regardless of opinions of majority, but this is real world.

Lets put a KKK meeting house next to Martin Luthers Kings grave and see how the liberals react.


#22 2010-08-16 18:36:27

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Zathrus wrote:

Really now? So a simple majority vote can take aways the rights of a disliked minority?

They may own the property, but the community owns the streets and roads and pavements and utilities leading to said property. Hence the community has a stake in it and they can voice their concerns and opposition.

If the property owners don't like that, they can always sell the property and get a better suited property elsewhere.

Simple, really. That property is not an island. Think about it. shrug


#23 2010-08-16 18:36:49

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

Restore democracy. Empower people. Stop appeasing special interest groups with shady agendas.

You are familiar with the Establishment Clause commonly known as the separation of church and state in The Constitution?

how about freedom of religion?

any of this sounds familiar?

of course it doesn't


#24 2010-08-16 18:37:23

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

Auric_TheTrue.nil.nli wrote:

69% oppose the Cordoba initiative. What part is unclear and needs clarification? I realize in your one track mind YOU are allowed to do what you want regardless of opinions of majority, but this is real world.

Get it through your head: The USA is not and has never been a democracy.


#25 2010-08-16 18:38:16

Re: So, teabaggers, now you're going after American citizens. Isn't that a bit over the line?

The constitution does not protect hate groups.  Islam is a hate group.  Recognize yo.


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