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> can anyone recommend me an internal cleanse/detox that isn't multi day?

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#1 2010-08-16 15:47:50

can anyone recommend me an internal cleanse/detox that isn't multi day?

I'd just like to do something that will remove a bit, but doesn't take a week of drinking maple lemon juice. Any suggestions?


#2 2010-08-16 15:51:03

Re: can anyone recommend me an internal cleanse/detox that isn't multi day?

Go eat a couple of hamburgers at McDonalds while thinking of Casey.  Your bowels will soon be moving in ways you never dreamed possible.


#3 2010-08-16 15:57:06

Re: can anyone recommend me an internal cleanse/detox that isn't multi day?

bottle of magnesium citrate laxative.

you will be on the toilet in 10 mins, and stay there for 3 hours.


#4 2010-08-16 16:20:58

Re: can anyone recommend me an internal cleanse/detox that isn't multi day?


#5 2010-08-16 16:31:30

Re: can anyone recommend me an internal cleanse/detox that isn't multi day?

Drink two 64oz containers of grape juice.


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