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> Politicians who complain that most money for schools doesn't go to teachers.

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#1 2010-08-16 15:30:18

Politicians who complain that most money for schools doesn't go to teachers.

Do they expect teachers to drive buses,  admunister benefit plans and design and construct schools?


#2 2010-08-16 15:35:27

Re: Politicians who complain that most money for schools doesn't go to teachers.

. wrote:

Do they expect teachers to drive buses,  admunister benefit plans and design and construct schools?

Manage the racial sensitivity programs, hand out condoms, organize the job fairs, lobby for more money, conduct womens' studies seminars, tutor the idiots that won't do their homework, refer students to mental health services, plan festivals, conduct candle light memorial for dead boomer heroes, man the phones to handle literally thousands of Hurr-Durr questions that are all spelled out in the catalog, etc and so forth.

Yeah, we need them all.

We didn't 40 years ago, back when diplomas were worth more than ass wiping paper.

We definitely need it all now.


#3 2010-08-16 16:13:19

Re: Politicians who complain that most money for schools doesn't go to teachers.

I doubt that bus drivers are the problem - they don't get paid shyt either.  There's a lot of money getting sucked out of the education system with layers of administration of dubious value.  They aren't even in the classroom running those programs you want to make fun of.


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