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> Boomer job hunting advice: "Just walk into Google headquarters and show them your SAT scores. Offer to sweep the floors for a month. They'll be very impressed."

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#1 2024-07-26 15:35:48

Boomer job hunting advice: "Just walk into Google headquarters and show them your SAT scores. Offer to sweep the floors for a month. They'll be very impressed."



#2 2024-07-26 15:39:57

Re: Boomer job hunting advice: "Just walk into Google headquarters and show them your SAT scores. Offer to sweep the floors for a month. They'll be very impressed."



#3 2024-07-26 16:07:58

Re: Boomer job hunting advice: "Just walk into Google headquarters and show them your SAT scores. Offer to sweep the floors for a month. They'll be very impressed."

Good advice for those whose version of working is laying around scrolling on their phones 24/7.



#4 2024-07-26 17:28:32

Re: Boomer job hunting advice: "Just walk into Google headquarters and show them your SAT scores. Offer to sweep the floors for a month. They'll be very impressed."

Lots of boomers lucked into decent paying jobs with only a high school diploma, and retired at age 60 with a pension.  The working world has changed a lot since that time, but they refuse to accept that.


#5 2024-07-26 23:07:19

Re: Boomer job hunting advice: "Just walk into Google headquarters and show them your SAT scores. Offer to sweep the floors for a month. They'll be very impressed."


Lots of boomers lucked into decent paying jobs with only a high school diploma, and retired at age 60 with a pension.  The working world has changed a lot since that time, but they refuse to accept that.

When they are gone the world will be great relative to today.


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