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> Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!

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#1 2024-04-26 19:00:21

Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!

loltard Brings New meaning to term deadbeat dad hmmm

https://twitter.com/ywomendeservles/sta … 4778752419


Large Marge
#2 2024-04-26 19:08:38

Re: Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!

Will the estate be responsible for providing child support?


#3 2024-04-26 19:30:23

Re: Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!

This feels like a rex.


anon user #3
#4 2024-04-26 21:15:21

Re: Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!

Wow.  Holy shyt.

I guess it is her fetish?


#5 2024-04-26 21:18:21

Re: Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!

If I've learned anything from the internet is that women can be just as sick and deranged as men.


#6 2024-04-26 21:33:02

Re: Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!

How did she get any baby batter out of a dead guy?  Even if she milked the contents of his prostate, that could only have a very small amount of sperm, if any.


anon user #3
#7 2024-04-26 22:26:41

Re: Betas! There is a chance you may get laid after you are dead!


This feels like a rex.

You are correct.  Satire.

https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dead- … tes-woman/


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