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> Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

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#1 2024-04-25 05:20:18

Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

12 Angry Phildos


#2 2024-04-25 05:22:50

Re: Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

The Phildo of the Opera


#3 2024-04-25 05:26:56

Re: Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

Honey, I Shrunk the Phildo


#4 2024-04-25 06:05:06

Re: Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

Something Phildo This Way Comes


#5 2024-04-26 00:57:10

Re: Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

A Clockwork Phildo


#6 2024-04-26 01:00:00

Re: Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

I cant decide between:
A Texas Chainsaw Phildo
A Texas Phildo Massacre


#7 2024-04-26 01:00:00

Re: Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

A Phildo Runs Through It


#8 2024-04-26 01:10:00

Re: Hollywood wants to honor Phildo for his lifetime of libfag advocacy by renaming a famous film after him. They need ideas. Name a film with one word replaced with Phildo

Phildo Now


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