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> A brief word about mRNA

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#1 2024-04-25 04:35:41

A brief word about mRNA

The RNA that encodes our 20,000 genes is called messenger RNA (mRNA) and serves as an intermediate between DNA and protein. Although it might seem as if our 20,000 genes would make only 20,000 proteins, that is not so. It turns out that developing mRNA into protein is a similar process as when an old-fashioned movie producer makes cinema. That is, mRNA records the action from DNA just as the movie studio faithfully develops the film exactly as initially recorded. In the case of DNA transcription, this “first draft” is called the primary transcript.

However, just as the raw footage from a movie shoot is not “translated” directly into a motion picture, in many cases, the “raw” mRNA is also not immediately translated into a protein. Now comes the interesting part: editing. It turns out that mRNA can be “spliced,” much like a movie producer edits and splices movie film once the live shoot is over, organizing the splices into different sequences and leaving some on the cutting-room floor. For spliced mRNA, these sections won’t be translated into protein. This “alternative splicing” means that one gene can give rise to many proteins, just like a movie can have different endings or be edited into a short trailer. Thus, thanks in part to RNA editing, the true molecular diversity of the brain is notably greater than our 20,000 genes.


#2 2024-04-25 04:38:12

Re: A brief word about mRNA

There are forms of RNA other than mRNA that are now known to exist and that do not code for protein synthesis; instead they have direct regulatory functions. These include ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and small nuclear RNA (snRNA), along with a large number of other noncoding RNAs (e.g., small hairpin RNAs because they are shaped like a hairpin, sometimes also called microRNA [miRNA]; interference RNA [iRNA]; and small interfering RNA [siRNA]. When miRNAs are transcribed from DNA, they do not go on to be translated into proteins. Instead, they form hairpin loops and are then exported to the cytoplasm by the enzyme exportin, where they are chopped into pieces by an enzyme called “dicer”. Small pieces of iRNA then bind to a protein complex called RISC, which binds in turn to mRNA to inhibit protein synthesis. So, forms of RNA can lead both to protein synthesis and to blocking protein synthesis.


#3 2024-04-25 04:59:29

Re: A brief word about mRNA

Did you buy a hard copy of DNA for Dummies?


#4 2024-04-25 05:03:02

Re: A brief word about mRNA

Sockpuppet wrote:

Did you buy a hard copy of DNA for Dummies?

Biology for GEDs


#5 2024-04-25 05:12:25

Re: A brief word about mRNA

Stop with the lame excuses. Get vaccinated already.


#6 2024-04-25 05:31:29

Re: A brief word about mRNA


Stop with the lame excuses. Get vaccinated already.

you drunk?


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