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> I'm SUPER EXCITED that the Proud Boys have come to the Columbia campus to help "maintain order". Faggers are about to Find Out.

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#1 2024-04-25 02:09:30

I'm SUPER EXCITED that the Proud Boys have come to the Columbia campus to help "maintain order". Faggers are about to Find Out.

In other news, Jamaal Bowman, a Hamas shill with a long history of Jew hatred is calling someone an antisemite.  QUE RICO!



#2 2024-04-25 02:46:40

Re: I'm SUPER EXCITED that the Proud Boys have come to the Columbia campus to help "maintain order". Faggers are about to Find Out.

McInnes is an Elon Musk type of an antisemite. He actually visited Israel as a guest of the Hebrews.


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