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> It is time for my once-monthly alcoholic drink

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#1 2024-04-25 01:42:40

It is time for my once-monthly alcoholic drink

4 hours before bed so not to interrupt sleep.

45ml of Zaya Gran Reserve + 1 can of diet coke I stole from the a16z fridge yesterday.


#2 2024-04-25 02:18:51

Re: It is time for my once-monthly alcoholic drink

Haven’t heard of it before. It’s Trinidadian so Spanish style. I typically prefer British style rums. But I assume you are mixing it with the Coke. The Spainish style rums do go good with Coke. Seems like you are overpaying for a rum to mix with Coke. My preference for an aged rum is Appleton Estate 12.

I know a lot about rums. Happy to answer any questions.

Edit: a really well-respected Trinidadian rum is Scarlet Ibis. I haven’t tried it though.


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