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> Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

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#1 2024-04-24 23:00:16

Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.



#2 2024-04-24 23:27:52

Re: Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

Have whytes been around that long?


#3 2024-04-24 23:55:12

Re: Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

Spanky wrote:

Have whytes been around that long?

Fuq you, racist.


#4 2024-04-25 00:00:55

Re: Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

Why do they end up hated and pogromed everywhere they go?


#5 2024-04-25 00:05:06

Re: Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

What did stebve ever do to you?


#6 2024-04-25 04:01:17

Re: Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

I didn't know that Wisconsin was a state for 5000 years... shrug


#7 2024-04-25 04:18:28

Re: Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

109 times


#8 2024-04-25 05:46:07

Re: Imagine trusting a people with a 5000-year-old track record of lying, cheating, stealing, and murder.

I don't remember cat Anita stealing, cheating, or murdering anyone. Do you know something I don't?


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