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> Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.

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#1 2024-04-21 22:31:12

Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.


You cooked my goose.



#2 2024-04-21 22:48:19

Re: Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.



Tom Leykis
#3 2024-04-21 23:03:37

Re: Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.

I THOUGHT this was a troll.   Canadian Geese are smarter than your average street Zombie.   They live longer, too.


#4 2024-04-21 23:31:53

Re: Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.

Tom Leykis wrote:




#5 2024-04-22 01:17:09

Re: Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.

They are disgusting vermin,  except from a distance.


#6 2024-04-22 01:17:59

Re: Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.

this post is preposterous.   Of course the libshyts provide 3 squares a day for the homeless


#7 2024-04-22 01:19:43

Re: Baltimore homeless are now killing Canadian geese and roasting them over open fires in downtown.

Phillip_McCavity wrote:

They are disgusting vermin,  except from a distance.

rolleyes Claims the disgusting vermin from any distance.


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